The Midwest Chapter of ACFCS strengthens the community of financial crime compliance, fraud prevention and cybersecurity specialists through collaboration, information sharing and professional development. Our purpose is to enable industry professionals to improve results in financial crime detection, investigation, and prevention through ongoing conversations and education. The Midwest Chapter leverages the unique aspects of ACFCS to foster greater discussion between public sector and private sector representatives and will focus on education/development across key areas including: evolving threats, new challenges, emerging trends. The Chapter will provide resources that assist members in their daily work; and offer unique career development opportunities through the sponsorship of educational programs, promotion of networking opportunities and mentoring initiatives.
Chad Ratashak (Programming Director) is a Des Moines-based Senior Financial Crimes Specialist in the Global Financial Crimes Intelligence Group (GFCIG) at Wells Fargo. He is also the Private Sector Leader for the 2022 Ransomware Attacks on Critical Infrastructure Sectors Team in the Department of Homeland Security-sponsored Public-Private Analytic Exchange Program (AEP). Chad studied Arabic and International Studies at the University of Oklahoma.